Learning Goals of DRS


Vít Fanta

Week 1

  1. Recount briefly the history of man-made networks.

    Internet, railroads, telegraphs, power grids, Bluetooth, IoT…

  2. Describe the general structure of a network.

    Points (vertices) connected by lines (edges).

  3. Name a few examples of physical, biological, social and information networks.

    See 1.

  4. Describe how the structure of various networks is revealed empirically.

    One example: Try to shut down a nuclear power plant and we will see what happens.

Week 2

  1. Define a binary relation and establish a connection with its graph.

    A binary relation \(\mathcal{R}\) is a subset of a Cartesian product of a set \(\mathcal{V}\), i.e. \(\mathcal{R}\subseteq\mathcal{V}\times\mathcal{V}\). Nodes can be interpreted as the elements of \(\mathcal{V}\) and the edge corresponds to the relation between the connected vertices.

  2. Tell the difference between a graph and a hyper-graph. Depict a given hyper-graph by a bipartite network.

    Unlike in a graph, the edges in a hypergraph can have an arbitrary (nonzero) number of vertices which they are interconnecting. A hypergraph can look like \(\mathcal{V} = \{v_1, v_2, v_3\}\), \(E=\{\{v_1, v_2, v_3\}, \{v_1\}\}\) and its corresponding bipartite graph is

    graph TD
    v1((v1)) --- e1((e1))
    v2((v2)) --- e1
    v3((v3)) --- e1
    v1 --- e2((e2))

  1. Explain the difference between a multi-graph and a simple graph.

    In an ordinary graph, only a single edge can exist between a pair of edges. In a multigraph a single pair of vertices can have multiple edges between them.

  2. Define the graph adjacency matrix.

    In a graph with \(n\) vertices, the adjacency matrix is \(A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\) and \[ A_{i j} = \begin{cases} 1\quad \text{if } j\to i\in E,\\ 0\quad \text{otherwise}.\end{cases} \]

  3. Compare the co-citation and bibliographic coupling.

    Cocitation is the number of nodes which cite \(i\) and also \(j\), i.e.1 \[ \begin{align*} C_{ij} &= A_{ik}A_{jk} = A_{ik}A_{kj}^T, \\ C &= AA^T = C^T. \end{align*} \]

    Bibliographic coupling is the number of nodes which are cited by \(i\) and also \(j\), i.e. \[ \begin{align*} B_{ij} &= A_{ki}A_{kj} = A_{ik}^TA_{kj},\\ B &= A^TA = B^T. \end{align*}\]

  4. Explain the two one-mode projections of a bipartite network.


  5. Define planar networks and state the ‘four color’ theorem.

    Planar networks are such graphs which can be drawn on a plane without any two edges intersecting each other. The ‘four colour’ theorem states that the chromatic number of any planar netwok is \(4\) at most.

  6. Explain the difference between a sparse and a dense network.

    Let us define connectance \(\rho = \frac{c}{n-1}\approx\frac{c}{n}\text{ as }n\to\infty\), where \(c=\frac{2m}{n}\) is the mean degree. A network is called sparse if \(\rho\to0\) for \(n\to\infty\). It is called dense otherwise.

Week 3

  1. Define a path and explain the difference between an Eulerian and a Hamiltonian path.

    A path is a sequence of subsequent edges. Eulerian path is a path which uses every edge of the graph precisely once. Hamiltonian path is a path which visits every vertex of the graph precisely once.

  2. State the min-cut max-flow theorem.

    Maximal flow equals the sum of flows on the minimal cut.

  3. Define the graph Laplacian matrix and its relation to diffusion processes on graphs.

    Graph Laplacian matrix is defined as \(L = D - A\), where D is a diagonal matrix of the vertex in-degrees. The equation \[ \frac{\partial u(x,t)}{\partial t} = c\Delta u(x,t) \] is related (when used on a finite-dimensional system) to \[ \dot{u} = -Lu. \]

  4. State the Geršgorin disc theorem and explain how it is applied to the graph Laplacian.

    A complex matrix \(M\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}\) has eigenvalues lying in the union of \(n\) circles in the complex plane. The circles are defined as \[ \mathcal{K}_i = \{ z\in\mathbb{C} : |z-M_{ii}|\leq \sum_{j\neq i}|M_{ij}| \} \] and each \(\mathcal{K}\) contains at least one eigenvalue.

    A Laplacian for an undirected graph is symmetric and positive semi-definite. Also, by the Geršgorin’s theorem, \(\lambda_i(L)\in\mathcal{K}(d_i, d_i)\), so \(\lambda_i(L)\) are nonnegative \(\forall i\).

  5. Define the Fiedler eigenvalue and explain its significance for the graph topology.

    The Fiedler eigenvalue (also called algebraic connectivity) is the smallest non-zero (real part for directed graphs) eigenvalue of \(L\). Its magnitude is directly proportional to the overall connectivity of the graph.

  6. Define the Frobenius form of the graph Laplacian and explain how it reveals the graph topology.

    Let us say that our graph has \(c\) components of sizes \(n_1, n_2,\ldots,n_c\). Then there exists a corresponding labeling such that the first \(n_1\) vertices lie in the first component, the next \(n_2\) vertices in the second and so on. The Laplacian of such graph is block-diagonal with \(n_i\times n_i\) blocks and zeros elsewhere. Moreover, each block is itself a Laplacian of the corresponding component. Because of the structure, we can construct \(c\) eigenvectors to the zero eigenvalue. For example, \[ \mathbf{v} = (\underbrace{1,1,\ldots,1}_{n_1\times},0,\ldots,0). \] It can be even shown that the algebraic multiplicity of the zero eigenvalue is exactly equal to the number of components. (This discussion is from the Introduction to Networks book)

Week 4

  1. Define the Metzler matrix.

A matrix has the Metzler property if all off-diagonal elements are non-negative.

  1. Define the Z-matrix and the M-matrix.

The Z-matrix has all off-diagonal elements non-positive. An M-matrix is a Z-matrix with all eigenvalues having non-negative real parts.

  1. Explain how the geometric multiplicity of eigenvalues differ from the algebraic one.

  2. Explain the meaning of the geometric multiplicity of a zero eigenvalue for graph Laplacians.

  3. Define the left zero eigenvector.

  4. Define a balanced graph.

  5. Define a strongly connected graph.

  6. Define the degree centrality.

  7. Motivate the eigenvector centrality.

  8. Explain the difference between the eigenvector centrality and the Katz centrality.


  1. Einstein’s summation convention is used.↩︎